Monterey Bay Aquarium

          Two weeks ago I had the chance to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium while I was down in Carmel for the holidays.  Whenever I have the chance to visit a museum, aquarium, or exhibit of interest, I always jump at the chance.  Personally, I really enjoy walking around and learning about the different things that are on display.  Initially, I visited the aquarium the day after Christmas.  Let me tell you- IT. WAS. PACKED.  Granted, I went around 12 p.m., however, there were SO many people it was barely enjoyable.  Each and every exhibit was filed with people.  More than that, there were so many children, it was ridiculous.  After trying my best to brave the crowd for about an hour, I finally gave up and left  I decided to go back the next day right when they opened.  Granted, there were still a lot of people, however, I was able to walk around and see everything that I wanted to see before the huge crowd came once again.  Overall, the exhibits were pretty neat and I enjoyed myself.  I'll let the pictures I took speak for themselves.  Pure, amazement.

Elise's Monthly Obsession: Lululemon Holiday Bags

Hi loves!  

If you love Lululemon like me, you should know that every year they make a special holiday edition bag. Don't get me wrong, their red bags are super cool and are extremely versatile when it comes to usage, BUT a little change is always nice.  I love using their bags for almost everything; reusable grocery bags, lunch bags, gym bags, garbage bags, and whatever else I can think of!  This fall I noticed that their new holiday bags were a bit dark. They kind of reminded me of galaxy print things. They are mostly black with white speckles all over the bag. They are made out of the same material so they are the same durability, but I just think the pattern is extremely cute. On top of the holiday bags, Lulu decided to also give boxes for gifts this year. THE. BOXES. ARE. AMAZING.!!! I'm talking about Kiehl's style boxes people! They are all black and their logo is gold. I am so impressed with Lulu this year! The only thing is, ever since they started to add more "lifestyle" type clothes, they don't have as many cute things in my opinion.  Anywho, I still spend way too much money there- at least i'm in their R&D program 😬. If you haven't checked out Lulu's holiday stuff you should definitely stop by! 

Happy Holidays!

xoxo, E



Nike+ Run Club: Long run

     This past Saturday, I was signed up to run with my run group that started at 8:03 a.m.  The night before, I was super tired from a long work week so I crashed early.  Being that it was the weekend, I didn't have my alarm set for the next morning.  Low and behold, I still woke up fairly early (at 7 a.m.), but doddled on my phone scrolling through social media, looking at people's Snapchat stories etc.  Not knowing what time it was until I checked my phone, I realized that it was already 7:15.  I WAS SO CLOSE TO CHOOSING NOT TO GO TO THE RUN GROUP.  At this point I was about 90/10 for not going.  I even went to the check in confirmation, and stared at the cancel button for a good minute.  Then, I thought to myself "If I don't go, I will regret it, and I have nothing better to do this morning."  Let me tell you, I AM SO GLAD I WENT!  Sometimes the hardest part is just getting up and going.

     When I got there, I decided to do the 8 mile run instead of the 12 mile run.  We ran down to the Marina Greens like always to get some dynamic stretching in and to warm up.  Our route deviated slightly due to the new pacer I had, however we still ran along the water, did some hill work, and ran through the Presidio, under the Golden Gate Bridge, and back to Nike.  The weather turned out to be extremely nice too.  

Here are a few pictures from the run.  Enjoy!

xoxo, E