Monterey Bay Aquarium

          Two weeks ago I had the chance to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium while I was down in Carmel for the holidays.  Whenever I have the chance to visit a museum, aquarium, or exhibit of interest, I always jump at the chance.  Personally, I really enjoy walking around and learning about the different things that are on display.  Initially, I visited the aquarium the day after Christmas.  Let me tell you- IT. WAS. PACKED.  Granted, I went around 12 p.m., however, there were SO many people it was barely enjoyable.  Each and every exhibit was filed with people.  More than that, there were so many children, it was ridiculous.  After trying my best to brave the crowd for about an hour, I finally gave up and left  I decided to go back the next day right when they opened.  Granted, there were still a lot of people, however, I was able to walk around and see everything that I wanted to see before the huge crowd came once again.  Overall, the exhibits were pretty neat and I enjoyed myself.  I'll let the pictures I took speak for themselves.  Pure, amazement.

Sutro Baths

     This past weekend was one for the books.  The weather was amazing so my friend and I decided to play tourist in our own city.  I suggested we rent those little yellow carts and drive around the city, however my friend suggested we check out Sutro Baths.  Somehow, my idea got overruled and we ended up going to Lands End.  For those of you who don't know what Lands End and Sutro Baths is; Lands End is right at the coast of San Francisco.  You can find some of the most amazing views in the city here (in my opinion).  On a clear day, you are able to see Golden Gate Bridge, the Marin Headlands, and even some dolphins or whales!  Sutro Baths is part of the Golden Gate Recreational Area.  However, at on point in time, Sutro Baths was the largest public swimming pool in California.  That is, until the 1960's where it burned down and was never rebuilt.  

     Once we parked at Lands End, we followed a small path down to the baths.  Due to it being a nice day, there were a lot of other people who were out and about as well.  We both hadn't been to Sutro Baths since we were younger so we thought it was pretty cool once we got there.  Some of the things we saw while exploring were; a pair of dolphins, some caves, and a small little beach only accessible once you've gone down to the baths.  Needless to say, it was a cool experience, however due to it being an old swimming pool, there were a lot of decaying stone, and algae you had to be careful of when you were walking.  One of the tourist there missed a step and fell right in, yikes!  Here are a few pictures I took from our adventure.


xox, E