Have less.  Do more.  Be more.



a little about me- 

  1. I believe laughter is the best medicine.

  2. I am a HUGE family person.

  3. I would love to own an Umbrella Cockatoo or Macaw one day.

  4. Twenty- seven is my favorite number.

  5. I enjoy most conversations I have with complete strangers.

  6. I’m not a big coffee drinker.

  7. I’m quite the morning person, but definitely not a night owl.

  8. I’ve gotten a ring on the coke bottle game at Circus Circus before.

  9. My name is pronounced E-leese.

  10. I love pizza and pasta.

  11. I love having flowers around to brighten up my space.

  12. My favorite animal is the White Bengal tiger.

  13. My favorite color is green.

  14. love to learn.

  15. Half marathons are my guilty pleasure.

  16. I love the beach.

  17. I have quite the sweet tooth and could probably live off snacks.

  18. I love matcha anything.
