Legion of Honor

Another museum day. This installation was all Japanese woodblock prints.

Bodega Bay Hike

Did a lot more hiking this year. After a heavy rain day, some friends and I went up to Bodega Bay, CA. The views did not disappoint. There’s something about being outside in nature that is so freeing.


I went to Alcatraz for the first time this year. Learning more about the history and the inmates was certainly interesting!

Architecture of the year

Fun fact - I’m a sucker for architecture.

Florals of the year

Seeing blooms on a daily basis make me so happy <3 Here are some from the past few months.

Noms of the year

Not huge on taking food pictures, but here are some delicious bites I’ve had this year!

Picasso Museum

Love a good museum day. This one just so happens to be in Barcelona, Spain.