Nike+ Run Club: Long run

     This past Saturday, I was signed up to run with my run group that started at 8:03 a.m.  The night before, I was super tired from a long work week so I crashed early.  Being that it was the weekend, I didn't have my alarm set for the next morning.  Low and behold, I still woke up fairly early (at 7 a.m.), but doddled on my phone scrolling through social media, looking at people's Snapchat stories etc.  Not knowing what time it was until I checked my phone, I realized that it was already 7:15.  I WAS SO CLOSE TO CHOOSING NOT TO GO TO THE RUN GROUP.  At this point I was about 90/10 for not going.  I even went to the check in confirmation, and stared at the cancel button for a good minute.  Then, I thought to myself "If I don't go, I will regret it, and I have nothing better to do this morning."  Let me tell you, I AM SO GLAD I WENT!  Sometimes the hardest part is just getting up and going.

     When I got there, I decided to do the 8 mile run instead of the 12 mile run.  We ran down to the Marina Greens like always to get some dynamic stretching in and to warm up.  Our route deviated slightly due to the new pacer I had, however we still ran along the water, did some hill work, and ran through the Presidio, under the Golden Gate Bridge, and back to Nike.  The weather turned out to be extremely nice too.  

Here are a few pictures from the run.  Enjoy!

xoxo, E