Sitting on the airplane, and I still cant believe its time to go home already.  These past two weeks have been such a great experience.  Traveling to London, Paris, and France with friends is probably one of the greatest experiences one can experience.  I mean how many times will you be able to think back to your “golden years” and say that you traveled internationally with your close friends?  I don’t even know where to begin.  London was the first place that we visited.  To my surprise, London didn’t seem as foreign as I thought it would feel like.  The “tube” as the Londoners call it is the main form of transportation.  I do have to say that some of the train stops in London were very comically named.  For example, the station that was closest to our air bnb was called “Elephant and Castle.”  There were other stops that were just as closely comically named like; Picadilly Circus, and Waterloo.  London is a city that, like Paris is on the water.  During our time in London, there were many times where we had to cross several bridges.  The main ones were The Tower Bridge, London Bridge, and Lambeth Bridge.. All of theses bridges ran above the Thames River.  In my opinion, London has much of a city feel to it.  However, unlike a lot of other cities, London is filled with tons and tons of history and information. There was one place in London called Burrough Market that was kind of like a permanent famers market type thing.  Kind of like the Ferry Plaza in the city.   People went there to eat dinner, grab snacks, shop for groceries, and even grab a few drinks after work.  One thing that I found to be very interesting was that in London, Paris, and Amsterdam, the sun set late every night, around 9:45- 10;0 p.m.

     We took the Eurostar train to Paris after out time in London was up. The train ride took about two and a half hours to get from one train station to the next, However, the ride was more than bearable.  I probably would have preferred to take the train over taking another flight.  Upon arriving in Paris, we had a small mishap with our AirBnB host, but that was just a small chip in the trip.  Nevertheless, our Paris AirBnB was very nice.  During our stay in Paris, we had the most packed itinerary.  Each day in Paris, our days were filled with seeing different things and visiting different museums.  Though I enjoyed my time at all of the museums, I’d have to say my favorite was visiting the Palace of Versailles.  The elegance, and the history behind a place like that is nothingshort of amazing.    Besides Versailles, some of the other places we visited were the Arc de Triumph, the Eiffel Tower,  the famous Lourve, and a few other cool museums/ parks.  I liked the museums that housed some of the famous Van Gough and Monet paintings.   The weather in Paris was warm, it was the parfect weather.  Though, I’ve come to a conclusion that Europeans don’t like anything cold.  For example, in all three of the places we visited, none of them served ice in the nasty tap water that was served during meals.  Also, the trains did not have any type of air conditioning at all either.  I ordered a smoothie twice, once while I was in Paris, and once in Amsterdam, neither of those smoothies were cold.  It was like they just blended the fruit together and didn’t add any ice It was very interesting, and I didn’t care for it.  There were so many opportunities to shop in Paris, but I pretty much had self- control.  I do wish I bought a Longchamp bag in Paris though.

     Amsterdam, was the most beautiful city by far I have to say. Amsterdam was originally a small town that inhabited around 1,000 people during the beginning of its life.  A lot of Amsterdamers rely heavily on boat to travel up and down the canals of their beautiful city.  If I could, I would love to live in the homes in Amsterdam.  Right along the canal, there are tons of beautifully decorated homes that line the water.  The homes in Amsterdam kind of reminded me of the homes in New York, except nicer (I cant believe I just said that). In Amsterdam, the people heavily rely on bicycles for transportation as well.  While we were there, we even rented bikes to ride around on.  I do have to say that navigating the streets were a little tricky.  People in Amsterdam don’t even wear helmets while they ride anywhere.  While in Amsterdam, we visited the house that Anne Frank hid in during the War.  It was definitely interesting to visit the actual hiding place of such an inspiring girl and her family.  The other interesting sight to see in Amsterdam was The Red Light district.  This is an area where girls stand in glass rooms in hopes of people buying services from them.  Prostitution and other things that are considered illegal in the United States are legal in Amsterdam.  It’s just so crazy to see these young girls (some old, and some boys) degrading themselves just to make some money.  What was even more comical was seeing gross looking men leave the rooms of these girls and then just went on with their days like nothing had happened.   One of my favorite things in Amsterdam was visiting the Banksy museum.  It's crazy that this street artist had made such an impact to the people that his artwork has been cut out of buildings and doors, just to be put in museums.  I don't even think he sees a penny from what these people are doing with his paintings.  Nevertheless, this trip did not disappoint. 






     After having a nice conversation with a friend about how lucky we are to be able to do the things that we do, making the most out of life, and not taking things for granted, I've decided to blurb a little bit about travel.

     Currently, I am in London with a few close friends.   When it comes to traveling with friends, there are always going to be pros and cons.  For example, it's great to be with everyone and have the opportunity to spend time with good company.  However, there will always be those times where spending too much time with the same people can begin to cause conflicts.  Like all normal things, it was bound to happen.   There is also the topic of different people wanting to see different things.  The list can go on and on, but at the end of the day I consider myself so lucky to have been able to travel to a foreign place with people that I care about.

     Tomorrow we are headed to Paris, and them Amsterdam after that.  I can't wait to upload pictures from the rest of the trip.




Simple Habits to Better Yourself

As I go through out my days, I constantly see people stressed out, irritated, and huffing and puffing. Granted, we all have "those days", but here is a list that I came across to better yourself and your days.  Even if you aren't able to do all of these, working towards completing at least one will put you in a better mood!


Simple Habits To Better Yourself:

  •  Read more books
  • Learn a new language
  • Pick up a new hobby
  • Clean your room
  • Workout
  • Ask for feedback
  • Drink more water
  • Smile at strangers
  • Make a to-do list
  • Avoid negative people
  • Let go of the past
  • Make new friends
  • Write a journal entry
  • Limit screen time
  • Go to a farmers market
  • Make new friends
  • Reach out to someone you haven't talked to in a long time.

There are TONS of other things that you could do, but these are just a few that I could think of off the top of my head.  Life is way to short to spend it unhappy.  Live, laugh, love, life.



Review: GlamGlow and Sunday Riley

Hi Babes!

     Can you believe it's already the end of May?!  I can't!  A few weeks ago I stumbled into a Sephora, and like any person I aimlessly walked up and down the isles looking at all of the makeup, skincare, and perfumes.  Though I already knew what was in store, something about this store always makes me want to buy something and try new things.  So, there I was standing in the isle of the GlamGlow products.  I've heard a lot of really good things about the face masks, however I never pushed myself to spend $70 on a facemark before.  Feeling bold, and IMPULSIVE I grabbed the  Gravity Mud Firming Treatment Face Mask.  I then proceeded towards the Sunday Riley isle and picked up the Good Genes by Sunday Riley face serum.  I spent a pretty penny that day, but let me tell you my life has since then changed for the better! 

     Immediately when I got home the first thing I did was wash my face so that I could try my new products.  Going into the face mask, I had no expectations whatsoever except for my face to feel better than it did to me print using it.  The package definitely was good quality and the component was not cheaply made.  This face mask in particular came with a small application brush.  When I first opened it, I was amazed at the chromeish color that it came as.  I then followed the directions and slathered the mask on my face using the applicator brush.  After waiting about fifteen minutes, I peeled it off.  After peeling the facemark off I definitely felt that my face was more hydrated, and tighter.  Though i've only used it twice, I really like it so far.

     After I washed my face after using the GlamGlow facemark I toned my face and then tried the Good Genes by London Riley serum.  This serum is supposed to plump the skin, exfoliate, reduce wrinkles, and give your skin a younger appearance.  From the claims on the packaging, I had higher expectations from this product.  The price point was pretty high to what I am used to with my current daily skin routine, however, I've read so many positive reviews about this product, I decided to jump in and give it a try.  After using this serum, I literally saw improvements in my skin within hours.  Granted, I first used this at night time so the next morning is when i saw the results.  When I looked in the mirror upon waking up, my skin was brighter and extremely soft!  I was amazed.  About two and a half weeks in to using this product, I have to say that overall, my extremely sensitive skin is looking really nice, almost to the point where I feel comfortable not wearing any face makeup on a daily basis!



New York State of Mind

This past week I had the opportunity to go back to one of my favorite cities.  There is something about this place that I just can't get enough of.  I think it's because there are so many things to do  and see in New York that it just never gets boring.  Another reason I absolutely love the city is for the architecture.  I mean where else can you get modern mixed with brick, mixed with brown stone, mixed with steel all on one block?  When I visited this time around, I went to my must go-to's, but also had the chance to explore a bit as well.  Some of my go-to's include; Totto Ramen, Momokufu Milk Bar, Chelsea Market/ The High Line, SoHo, Brooklyn Bridge, and of course Times Square.  I could rant and rave about things to do, but I think pictures are worth a thousand words.  Enjoy(:

xoxo, E

Monterey Bay Aquarium

          Two weeks ago I had the chance to visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium while I was down in Carmel for the holidays.  Whenever I have the chance to visit a museum, aquarium, or exhibit of interest, I always jump at the chance.  Personally, I really enjoy walking around and learning about the different things that are on display.  Initially, I visited the aquarium the day after Christmas.  Let me tell you- IT. WAS. PACKED.  Granted, I went around 12 p.m., however, there were SO many people it was barely enjoyable.  Each and every exhibit was filed with people.  More than that, there were so many children, it was ridiculous.  After trying my best to brave the crowd for about an hour, I finally gave up and left  I decided to go back the next day right when they opened.  Granted, there were still a lot of people, however, I was able to walk around and see everything that I wanted to see before the huge crowd came once again.  Overall, the exhibits were pretty neat and I enjoyed myself.  I'll let the pictures I took speak for themselves.  Pure, amazement.

Pressed Juicery Three Day Cleanse

     Hi loves, so I've been so busy with life that I haven't had the chance to write about my juice cleanse experience right after I completed it.  But, better late than never, right?  About a month ago I was shopping around one of the streets in San Francisco that has a Pressed Juicery store.  I do have to say that ever since my junior year of high school I have really enjoyed almost all of the cold pressed juices that i've tried.  Granted, some taste better than others, but overall I love the idea and taste.  I decided to visit Pressed Juicery to pick up a few juices, however I was in the "I'm going to be super healthy and do whatever I can today to motivate me" mindset.  Right when I walked in, I knew the juices I wanted to pick up (my go- to favorites).  BUT, I saw some of the seasonal flavors they had in stock and wanted to get those too.  Long story short, I ended up picking so many that the girl who worked there just suggested I do a one day cleanse.  Knowing me, I wanted to push myself to do the three day cleanse instead.  Ten minutes later, there I am walking out of the store with three bags full of juices and waters..

     The cleanse itself is one of the easier ones I have tried.  This last time I did the cleanse was the third or fourth time I've done a juice cleanse using Pressed Juicery Juice.  I do have to say, any cleanse will be difficult, but once you get over that initial hump it's not as bad as it seems.  About the juices-  Pressed Juicery has different categories of juice; Greens, Citrus, Signature Blends, and Roots.  In addition, they also have cleansing waters that are basically water with cayenne pepper, lemon, aloe vera etc.  For each day of the cleanse you choose six types of juice you want and could mix and match between all of the above choices.  In addition to the six juices you choose, you also get two additional bottles, one aloe vera water, and one chlorophyll.  Whenever I do juice cleanses, I try to mix and match so that I still get a balance between fruits and veggies each day.   Here is an example of what one day of my juices would look like... 

Greens 3, Citrus 2, Greens 3, Root 2, Wheatgrass Seasonal Flavor, Coconut Cinnamon, Aloe Vera Water, Chlorophyll, and Lemon Water With Cayenne Pepper

As you can see, there are A LOT of bottles to drink in one day.  Trust me when i say, you will need to go to the bathroom WAY more than normal.  However, while I was doing this cleanse, I had so much energy, I felt "healthy", and I lost a few pounds.  I have read some articles that say juice cleansing is not good for your body at all.  However, I have also read some articles that say doing a juice cleanse have benefits for your overall health.  Whichever side you believe in is your own choice.  I personally did this cleanse because I love the juices, and why not have a little kick- start into fueling my body with the right nutrients it needs.  Overall, I highly recommend Pressed Juicery juices. If juice cleansing isn't for you, the juices still taste amazing!

Here are a few more picture That show you what is in each of the juices.

