possibly the best tacos i’ve had


Book Review: The Great Alone by, Kristin Hannah

The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah

Summary: The Allbright’s move to Alaska and endure all the hardship that comes with living a sustainable life. The snow, the 12+ hour a day darkness, the drunk father, the abuse, loss, the SNOW again. This is a story about a family who tries to create a better life for themselves in a community that offers all the right things to help them, but for reason keeps getting the short end of the straw no matter how hard they try.

Thoughts: I have mixed initial feelings about this book. At first, I tried reading it and it was tough for me to get into so I put it down and read something else. A while later, I picked it up and gave it another chance. I am so glad I did because this book has been one of my favorites this year. This book is such a great story with tons of different elements to it. The setting of this book is ALASKA! so I might be based because I’ve always taken interest to bush living. This is definitely a book I would want to read again at a later date. I’m getting it for my arsenal.

Criticisms: This book had a theme of domestic abuse which I didn’t know about before hand. The abuse written about in this book is ALMOST on the same level as the abuse written about in “A Child Called It”. It’s tough to read and you need to be in a good place in order to get through some of these scenes. There were moments where I had to put the book down, take a break from reading for a day or two and come back because I didn’t want to read through that part.

Rating: 4.75/5!!


Book Review: Dear Wife by, Kimberly Belle

Dear Wife, by Kimberly Belle

Summary: This book is about a man who returned from a trip to find out his wife is missing. This book is also about a woman escaping from an abusive marriage and creating a new identity. Is it the same woman? Is it not?

Thoughts: This book was a quick read for me because it was captivating and interesting. I was enthralled by the idea of the woman, Beth escaping her abusive husband, running away, and creating a new life for herself. Come to realize the abusive husband is the DETECTIVE looking for his wife who went missing. Overall, this story was pretty interesting.

Criticisms: I didn’t realize this book focused a lot on abusive partnerships. I didn't like that at all. Typically, I tend to steer away from books that involve domestic abuse, because….it’s triggering and sad to read about. Also, I wish the author did a better job explaining the plot twist. It was kind of like reading 100 pages, a short 1 page plot twist, and then another 100 pages of reading. I’m exaggerating of course, but that’s how it felt in my opinion.

Rating: 3.8/5