Book Review: Dear Wife by, Kimberly Belle

Dear Wife, by Kimberly Belle

Summary: This book is about a man who returned from a trip to find out his wife is missing. This book is also about a woman escaping from an abusive marriage and creating a new identity. Is it the same woman? Is it not?

Thoughts: This book was a quick read for me because it was captivating and interesting. I was enthralled by the idea of the woman, Beth escaping her abusive husband, running away, and creating a new life for herself. Come to realize the abusive husband is the DETECTIVE looking for his wife who went missing. Overall, this story was pretty interesting.

Criticisms: I didn’t realize this book focused a lot on abusive partnerships. I didn't like that at all. Typically, I tend to steer away from books that involve domestic abuse, because….it’s triggering and sad to read about. Also, I wish the author did a better job explaining the plot twist. It was kind of like reading 100 pages, a short 1 page plot twist, and then another 100 pages of reading. I’m exaggerating of course, but that’s how it felt in my opinion.

Rating: 3.8/5