It may seem silly, but there are THREE of the same exact car in this photo. Very strange.


Park Day


While I was in the park today they had the sprinklers on and lookie what I saw

I want to go somewhere!!!

Rose- Beautiful day today. Got to soak up some much needed sun.

thorn- Individuals who only see things from their perspective

Bud- Take more pictures

“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.”


As we are close to hitting the one year mark since the pandemic started travel seems to be something everyone is looking forward to. I suppose I could go here now, but for some reason I just haven’t. Carmel, my happy place is high up on the list of places I want to go to ASAP. Something about Carmel makes me so happy. Maybe it’s the people, or the community feeling. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s a nice and calm place to get away from the busy city. I can not wait for the aquarium to open to the public again! Pre pandemic, I must have gone to that aquarium at least twice a year. UGH….COVD. See you soon Carmel
