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I feel like there are so many negative things that are going on in the world right now. With COVID, to racial hate crimes, to businesses needing to close down. It might be tough to see the brightness of stars on cloudy nights. But, when I’m feeling down, something that makes me feel better is going on walks on sunny days. It doesn’t matter where. As long as I am able to enjoy my surroundings and think about what great things I have in my life, it helps me ‘reset’. More recently, I went on a walk through Golden Gate Park and took in the surroundings. Seeing the birds flying, hearing the children talking, and being in the shining sun was tranquil and peaceful at that moment. All of us go through tough times at one point or another, and all of us deal with tough situations differently. Life is an interesting thing that souldn’t be taken for granted. With busy days, I often don’t have time for walks like I did before. Hopefully, I could find some time again.


“Be happy with what you have. Excited about what you want.”


Write about...



When I was a university student there was a homeless encampment about a mile from my school (yikes, I know). As homeless people were a problem in the area, law enforcement made all of the residents of the encampment disburse. As the homeless population in the area migrated to other parts of the city, a group of them found their way to the parking garage of my apartment. To make things even better, my car was parked in the last parking space making it the closest car near the group of homeless people. At the time, I worked in a restaurant and worked dinner shifts that finished at 10:30pm. By the time I got back it would be close to 11pm and pitch black. Rightfully so, each time I parked my car I was nervous to walk past the people to the stairwell that led to my apartment. I was nervous to walk past them night in and night out until one day I decided to give them my leftover for for the week instead of throwing it away. When I brought the food to one man he was thankful. Over the span of a few more weeks, I would bring them the food I was otherwise going to throw away. As the days past, our interactions became longer and more meaningful. Instead of just saying “here you go”, “you’re welcome”, I started asking how their day was going. As the weeks went by, I learned about their personal story. The story of why they were on the streets. It was a very interesting interaction to say the least.


“Pay attention to whom your energy increases and decreases around, because that’s the universe giving you a hint of who you should embrace or stray from.”

Spring Time


As Spring comes near, I am starting to see cherry blossom trees around my city. I think cherry blossoms, or sakura symbolize something so delicate and beautiful at the same time. We are lucky to see the cherry blossom trees in full bloom, because once there is the slightest bit of rain or wind, the flowers will blow off. Here is a cherry blossom tree I saw the other day on my walk. the flowers are beginning to bloom into a pretty pink color.

“Yesterday is gone. Today is here. Tomorrow isn’t promised.”