Planet Home

I got to experience the coolest thing recently!

As we know, the Earth is changing as each day goes by. Well, we also know that if we don’t do anything, these changes happening to our Earth will be detrimental to all existence. Well, recently, I got to go to an event where a bunch of people got together and raised awareness about all of these things and what we could do to help slow down global warming. Did you know that things can’t actually be recycled unless you rinse it and peel off the paper label? Did you also know that it takes 600 YEARS for one plastic bottle to be completely recycled and dissolve in nature? Think about it, the first plastic ever made, claiming to be “recyclable” hasn’t even broken down yet! It also doesn’t help that each city, state, and country have different rules and regulations for how to dispose garbage.

This event had a bunch of interesting exhibits for how the world will be like if there were no more crops, fossil fuels, resources etc. to try to raise awareness. After leaving this event, my perspective has definitely changed. From now, to do my part, I will try my best to bring reusable bags when I go shopping, use refillable water bottles as often as possible, walk as much as I can to destinations, not eat so many processed foods, AND try not to use plastic straws. Though I am just one person, if anyone can do their part to use less waste and become more eco- friendly our future generations will have a better chance at life.

Here are some pictures from the event. Not to mention, I got to see BILL NYE and SNOOP DOGG! They were awesome!



Note to Self:

Just because it’s a well known, Silicon Valley company doesn’t mean you have to accept the offer. If you don’t think it aligns with your future goal you set in place, you don’t have to take it. Sure, it would have been amazing to work for that company, but knowing you, and knowing how much the commute would take a toll on your life…would it really be worth it? Did I make the right decision? Maybe, maybe not.



In a bit of a conundrum.


Victorian Homes

These days everyone seems to want the most modern or up- to- date things. Cars, phones, clothes, you name it. Our society is constantly changing so new things keep coming out. Which means people need to buy more and more things even if they don’t technically need them. As for me, ever since I visited the Haas- Lilienthal House in Elementary school I have wanted to live in a victorian home. As it states, victorians, are well….victorian. They aren’t the most modern or new, but the design and the architecture is a piece of art in my opinion.

What makes a home Victorian? A house that was built during the reign of Queen Victoria from the years 1837-1901. They have a specific aesthetic to them and are gorgeous.

I took a walk today around the neighborhood and these were some of the Victorian houses I saw.



So, these days I’ve been trying not to have so much dairy. Tough, I know, but there are so many other options out there and I have found one yogurt that is sooooooo good I had to share! It’s called Culina. This yogurt is a dairy free, coconut milk based yogurt. The texture is like yogurt (which is hard to find dairy free yogurt with a good texture). I got a bunch of flavors, but this one here is Blueberry Lavender. If you aren’t too keen on coconut, you might not care for this because there is a hint of coconut taste.

What I LOVE about this company is that they serve the yogurt in little planting pots so after you eat the yogurt, you can wash the pot and plant flowers, or any seeds inside. SO CREATIVE, and SO GREEN! This has been my go to now if I am craving yogurt!

Go green, and Culina!


Kimochi's 8th Annual Car Show

FUN FACT When I was a kid, up until middle school probably, I wanted to be a racer driver.

Something about cars intrigues me. How they look. How they are put together. How they sound. There are so many things about cars that fascinate me. Old American cars especially catch my eye. Actually, another fun fact, I probably know more about cars than your typical guy. Anyway, today I went to Kimochi’s car show to check out everyones cars. I have gone to this particular car show about five or six times and there are always cars I hope to see again and again.

It always surprises me how well kept these cars are. Especially because they are from the 50’s and 60’s. What’s my dream car you ask? 1967 Chevy Camaro SS.


Farmers Market

Happpppy Saturday!

One of my favorite things to do if it is a nice weekend is go to the local farmers market. Low and behold, today in San Mateo it was 82 degrees at 10a.m. Wow. Though San Mateo is a bit of a drive, I didn’t mind because the weather was so nice!

San Mateo’s farmers market is one of my favorites because of how large it is. There are always tons of vendors and a lot of good choices. I also like how everything is organic, so I don’t have to worry about pesticides being on my produce. There are so many great things about shopping at farmers markets. You can buy locally, the produce is always fresh from their farms, you get the best “in season” produce, and most importantly, you are helping the local community. I also think everyone who goes to farmers markets are generally in a great mood as well. You can’t be grumpy and go to a farmers market, that’s just unheard of!

One thing I noticed today was that the vendors rounded down to the nearest 1/2 dollar. So for example, if my total from one vendor was $1.70, he would only charge me $1.50. What a good deal!

Here are some pictures from the farmers market (:

