Searching for Fish

Today, like most of this trip was spent at the beach. We went snorkeling in hopes of finding some cool fish. Not sure why, but some of the fish we saw spent all their time close to shore. They were wading all together in their little school. Kind of tough to see, but they were translucent and were camouflaged with the sand.



Culture Shock...ALREADY?!

It’s so strange going to a place where the culture is so different than the one you are used to. Imagine living in a country where you aren’t able to chew gum, sing in public, or even walk around naked in your OWN HOUSE. Sounds Dystopian doesn’t it?…Nope, that’s just Singapore.


Something Surprising

Yesterday when I was in class, I asked “what’s more important, money or love?” All but about five of six said MONEY. I was shocked. To my surprise, even the majority of the girls said “money.”


What A Life

How great would it be to have a farm and grow your own fruits and veggies? If only I could do such a thing, sighhh. Thank you to Mr.&Mrs. Sakaguchi! You always spoil me.



Passion Planning

I have been really behind this year in keeping the Passion Planner current. Instead of writing it in the planner, I will write the entry for June here.

“Spend money on experiences rather than material objects. Possessions don’t shape who you are, but your experiences do.”

What was the most memorable part of this past month? Describe it.

The most memorable part of June was probably working with the boys and practicing for EIKEN. Everyday I looked forward to talking to them and seeing their progress. It was also a good way to get to know them better and interact with them outside of a classroom setting. Not to mention, they’re pretty funny too.

What were the three biggest lessons you’ve learned this past month?

1) Always get a second opinion when it comes to big things. i.e. my car situation.

2)You shouldn't heavily rely on others for things you can do by yourself.

3)Have patients with new situations and people.

How are you different between this past month and the month before it?

Is there even a possibility to be happier? I have a good life and i’m happy.

What or who are you grateful for this past month?

Yuko Sensei for sure is a lifesaver helping me with all of the technical paperwork etc.

The boys also have been great to chat with recently.

Name three things you can improve on this upcoming month?




Though it is rainy season, today I had so much fun picking blueberries for the first time! I swear, I have more old friends than I do friends my age here. I went to a BBQ yesterday and the mans neighbor had mentioned he had blueberry farm. In passing I said that I wanted to go. To my surprise he invited me to come over today! I was so happy, because I love blueberries!

Though it was raining, it was so fun, and he was so kind. He actually told me a secret..he said when planting blueberries, you should plant the branch. AND, the branch needs a female and male branch to bear fruit. The branch should also be thick. Once you have your branch, as soon as it bears fruit you should pick those fruit off so it can allow more fruit to grow. He told me that this was a common error many people do. Once they see fruit, they want it to fully grow so they could eat it. BUT, the first batch(?) of fruit is always better to pick off right away to allow more fruit to grow. He also had ANOTHER hobby which is creating sculptures out of bamboo. These dragonflies all belong to an orchestra! Not to mention, he built his own wood burning oven and made us pizza afterwards. amazing..

I got 1KG for ¥2000. Check out the pictures!
