Words the English Language Needs

the next few posts I will be writing about phrases in Japanese that the English Language needs. Something so simple, but yet with such a complex meaning. With the help of some of my handy dandy, trustworthy students, here is the first one.

風物詩 (ふうぶつし)

”The things, feelings, scents, images that evoke memories or anticipation for a particular season.”

For example, when one thinks about fireworks, we think about summer time.


Happy first day of the new era. Today was a fun and nice day. As it is Golden Week, what better place to be than Tokyo. Sarcastically speaking of course. But actually it’s an honor to be in the exact city that the new emperor takes his throne. Today was spent going to Senso-ji, eating もんじゃ焼き, going to Team Border Lab, and spending it with people who mean a lot to me. Pictures to follow shortly, but just wanted to say happy reiwa. I hope this era brings great things for its people as well as it’s country.



In class the other day, the word 中二病 came up. I had no idea what it was and the students had a hard time explaining it to me so I decided to give a writing assignment so they could try to take their time and explain it. Apparently 中二病 (ちゅうにびょう) means “Second grade syndrome” 中二 is JHS 2年 病 is sick, so it literally translated to a second grader who’s sick. To add on to that it is a person who has low self esteem, but at the same time a narcissist. They are influenced by manga and anime. They act like they are characters in a fantasy world, pretending they are superheroes, have powers, and are sent from the Gods. Quite interesting I think.


"Appreciate where you are in your life, even if it's not where you want to be. Everything serves a purpose"


“ Be less curious about people, and more curious about ideas”

Marie Curie