The end is near

So as I’ve stated earlier, I caught the flu this year. This morning I tried going back to work, only to be told to go back home because I was still contagious. JESUS people, can’t you see I wanted to actually WORK!? It’s one thing to have days off from work, but its another to have days off, but can’t do anything but mope around the house. Its a prison! I mean theres only so much YouTube and Netflix a girl can watch! I even did all my laundry, and cleaned the house…twice!

After I got sent home this morning, I decided to spend the day in nature. I haven’t been to the gym and got a workout in in a long time too, so I was planning on going to the sports park in Kobayashi. Once I got to Kobayashi, I started my workout. The weather looked promising, but had dark clouds rolling in in the distance. THEN, a man came over to talk to me about my jumprope. He asked if he could try it. Of course, I said “yes” (as not to be rude), but then he kept talking to me o_o At this point, we must have been talking for half an hour. AND, at this point it was drizzling. Fast forward to the end of our long conversation, I could only get a few sets in. People must have been looking at me like I was a crazy person because I was wearing a tank top. But then again, it is Japan, anytime I wear a tank top I get looks..even on the hottest of days. After I left the park, I went to the onsen to wash off and relax. It was nice. I think the one I went to in Kobayashi is one of my favorite local ones so far. They have an outside area too. Of course, while I was there, there were a group of older ladies who befriended me mostly because they were wondering what I was doing there on a week day. Talked to them, they were nice. One even gave me a free bath coupon for the next time I go. twas a good day. Back to work tomorrow, FINALLY!…and of course it would be Friday…the Friday before a three day weekend. lesigh


I've caught it

In Japan, apparently every year there is a flu epidemic that breaks out. If this happens every year why isn’t anything done about it you might ask. WELL LET. ME. TELL. YOU. my two cents…

In class in winter, all the windows are shut all day except for a mere fifteen mins during cleaning time. The rest of the day the classroom is a Petri dish for germs. I mean, really, if you think about it, gross. In the past week, four out of seven of my classes have been sent home due to students having the flu. and no, not only did a few students get sent home…well yes, students did get sent home as well, but the whole class actually got sent home. The day before yesterday SIXTEEN students in one class had the flu……SIXTEEN!! Thats absurd if you ask me.

Well enough of my rant..because guess what……….I caught it too! smh…




So yesterday was Mountain Day, and why better way to embrace the day than to take a day trip to Takachiho Kyo.  I visited one of the most breathtaking spots yesterday.  Woke up bright and early to head for Takachiho.  Though it was raining cats and dogs on the drive there, it was well worth it.  The drive took about three and a half hours each way.  We went to Takachihoya that Kurumi recommended.  I had the Takachiho beef curry, yummm.  We also checked out Mt. Also which was really cool.  It's an active volcano in Kumamoto.  We were able to see (and smell) the sulfur as well as the boiling water!  It was really cool.


xox, E

Spring Time!

It's really feeling like Spring time, and I couldn't be happier.  The sakura trees are in full bloom right now which is really pretty.  Its a shame how delicate the petals are. As each day passes by, I see more and more petals blowing off of the branches.  The floor looks like its covered in little bits of confetti there are so many petals everywhere.  Recently, I went to a park close by and got to take in the beauty of the sights.  


Ready for Spring

Today, the weather has been extremely cold.  There has been a constant drizzle of rain all day.  The kind of rain where it's too much not to have an umbrella, but at the same time not enough to use the wind shield wipers on a constant timer.  The weather app says its 42 degrees today~ I have yet to get used to the F/ C conversion.  However, every day when I walk to school, I see one tree in the courtyard that is slowly starting to bloom it's flowers.  I asked Christine if it was a cherry blossom tree, but she said it is an ume tree.  Im excited to see it in full bloom!

These days, the students have been busy studying for tests, and entrance exams.  They study a lot already, but as it's the end of the school year, they seem to be extra busy.

Until next time,  E 

Beyond Freezing

This winter has been exceptionally cold to say the least.  The buildings here in Miyazaki are not insulated very well, and it doesn't help that the weather is like 30 degrees every day.  The mornings are very dark so it's hard to get up.  Needless to say, I can't wait to get myself close to the nearest heater.

But, on a different note, yesterday I ran my first half of 2018.  The half was in Mimata.  Of course, it was cold and raining, but i decided to still run it.  It was very different for me because the usual half that I run, there are many people to get scrambled with.  However, this half was different..there were only about 200, and maybe only a handful of ladies.  In a way, this made me push myself harder even though I didn't train for this run.  I didn't want to be the last one.  To my surprise I beat my goal time of 2:30, and finished the race in 2:10.  I was really surprised actually.  But, even finishing the race with a faster goal time, in the end I think I was still like 14something/ 200 people. yikes.

After the run, I treated myself to a yummy dinner and some well deserved drinks. mmm




To Stay or not to Stay

     So, so far , I've been living in Japan for about four months.  My contract is for an entire year, however, the board of education has asked that we let them know if we are staying for another year or not at the end of this year essentially.  In my opinion, I think this is WAY too short notice to know for sure whether or not someone is to stay for another WHOLE year after the first years contact has ended.

     Right now, I think I am about 50/50.  If I think about it, thats 50% higher than when I initially had come here.  I was only panning to stay for one year, but living and working here has hit a soft spot of mine.  I don't see how so many people could already have their minds set on staying or going back home.  I think if I were a few years younger, I would have no problem staying if I really liked my placement.  However, i'm 24, and if I stay for another year, i'd be going back home when i'm 26!!  Yikes!  There are so many things that I have to think about when the idea of re- contracting comes up.  The school I work at is great, the local people i've met are nice, and my situation as a whole is pretty good.  There are just so many things to consider.  I don't know what to dots frustrating.