I've caught it

In Japan, apparently every year there is a flu epidemic that breaks out. If this happens every year why isn’t anything done about it you might ask. WELL LET. ME. TELL. YOU. my two cents…

In class in winter, all the windows are shut all day except for a mere fifteen mins during cleaning time. The rest of the day the classroom is a Petri dish for germs. I mean, really, if you think about it, gross. In the past week, four out of seven of my classes have been sent home due to students having the flu. and no, not only did a few students get sent home…well yes, students did get sent home as well, but the whole class actually got sent home. The day before yesterday SIXTEEN students in one class had the flu……SIXTEEN!! Thats absurd if you ask me.

Well enough of my rant..because guess what……….I caught it too! smh…
