Book Review: the five people you meet in heaven by, Mitch Albom

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by, Mitch Albom

Summary: Eddie, an amusement park mechanic dies in an accident at the park. As soon as he dies, he is met by five people in his past life. Each of the five people are there to help Eddie understand his living life in a better way. He has a hard time understanding why some of the five people were chosen for him, but eventually understands and comes to terms with his life.

Thoughts: I chose to read this book because of the author. I enjoyed his other books so I wanted to give this one a try. This book is one that makes you think and reflect on your own life choices after you read it. A very quick read- you could probably finish it in a couple hours.

Criticisms: I don’t have many criticisms for this book. It was well written and each person Eddie encountered had their own role. I do have to say, some encounters were not as interesting as others.

Rating: 4/5
