Something you do that most people wouldn’t think about


When I saw this prompt it stuck out to me because there are a few things I do on a daily, if not weekly basis that not many people think of. First off, to keep my Japanese skills somewhat presentable, I listen to Japanese news programs, podcasts, and TV shows along with reading a simplified version of text documents. Whether that be the newspaper, or short stories; it helps me retain knowledge. Secondly, I am an organized person so I always keep a notebook and pen around me to write things down. I jot everything under the sun down from grocery lists, ideas, new vocabulary..ANYTHING. For some reason it’s harder for me to retain anything if I don’t physically write it down. I rarely use my phone to jot notes down. Finally, I think I tie my shoes differently than a lot of people. I made it a point to watch and see how people around me tied their shoes and I noticed the way I do it is different. Most people use the “one bunny ear and then loop it around and pull through to tie their shoes. I grab both shoe laces, pinch, and pull. I know my description makes absolutely no sense, but I don’t make ‘bunny ears’. I thought that was kind of interesting.
