Spare Time

What do you do in your spare time? Today, I found myself with a lot of spare time, and what better way to spend it than…..GOING SHOPPING!! Just kidding. Well, I did go shopping, but not clothes shopping, household supply shopping. It’s very strange to me. These days I enjoy going to stores and getting things like soaps, towels, cleaning spray, and whatever else you need to clean the house. even though most of the time we don’t even need it. it’s like I could spend forever at Target or Walgreens. For those of you who don’t know, Target is AMAZING, and Wallgreens is a also great, but a little less so than Target. As I was saying, today, I was walking up and down the isles at Walgreens and left with this stuff. Can you believe that all of this was $25?! I was shocked at how cheap the laundry detergent was….4/$8! Wow. And this toothpaste was buy two get one free. After leaving Wallgreens I was thinking about how those people who coupon do it! Those people are astonishing. Im talking, getting carts and carts full of stuff for a total of like $10 bucks. Seems challenging, but should I try it?….hmmmmmm. Nah, I could only imagine how much time they spend looking for coupons, sorting coupons for each store, and annoying store workers they do. But for now, I am happy with my finds today.

