Embarrassing Story

So since moving here, there have been a fair share of embarrassing things that have happened to me. Today, was another day something had happened. So here we go… yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I got some sweets from students, in particular I got sweets in two small paper bags. thanks kanoha btw. One of them had a chocolate cake like thing and in the other was a chocolate marshmallow type thing. Of course I ate one, but as I have been eating like shit lately, I decided to save the other one for today…Well when I was leaving work, a bit later than usual, I saw a student studying so diligently. I have seen him studying in the same place for awhile now, so I felt kind of bad for him. I also thought to myself that I really didn’t need to be eating MORE sweets so I thought I would be nice and share with him. When I passed by him, I reached into my purse to give him one of the bags. I obviously chose the heavier one because I thought the cake was in that one. Gave it to him, and started going home. As I was driving home, I opened the other bag to throw away a piece of garbage and to my freaking surprise, THE CAKE WAS INSIDE. At that point I was thinking ;sajflsjflksdjfsdfhfk. So I hurried and drove back to school to see if I could catch the student to switch bags with him, because if I didn’t he would open the bag I gave him only to see bits of garbage that I had put in there throughout the day. BUT I COULDN’T FIND HIM! So, long story short, I gave one of my students, who i’m not even allowed to give sweets to, a bag of garbage. fml he must think im a weirdo now.
