Homemade Applesauce

    I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving!  I have to say, I think Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!  I look forward to spending time with family, and eating all of the yummy food each year.  More specifically, the turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie are my FAVORITE!  This year, I learned how to make homemade applesauce, and to my surprise it was really easy! 

     Ingredients: At least five different kinds of apples, cinnamon, a SLIVER of butter,and  water (or apple juice).

     Things you need: A food mill.

     First, I sliced up all of my apples.  I was making a lot so I used about eight different types of apples.  Make sure you get some that are sweet, and some that are tart.  Next, I put them in a large pot with about two cups of water (or apple juice) and constantly stirred them until the apples stared to get soft.  Again, I was making a lot of apple sauce and you don't want to soak you apples in the water-  you just want enough to cover the bottom of your pot.  Also, I want to add that you can put the whole apple into the pot because the food mill will filter them out (seeds, core, etc., however, I did not do this).  After the apples start to soften you can add your cinnamon and butter.  Once you see your apples begin to peel away from their skin, you can then process the mixture in the pot to the food mill.  I did several scoops so my food mill did not get clogged.  After, I let the apple sauce cool down for about thirty mins until I was able to pack it up in mason jars and refrigerate them.  It's so easy to make, and I really like it because I knew exactly what I was putting into it.  Even though I didn't put additional sugar or use apple juice, I thought the end result was sweet enough for me.

If you try it out, leave a comment and let me know if you like it/ how yours turned out!



xoxo, E