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Book Review: Heart Bones by, Colleen hoover

Heart Bones by, Colleen Hoover

Summary: Beyah grew up with her mother and had a terrible upbringing. When her mother died, she moved to a different state with her estranged father and his new family. They lived at a beach house and were seemingly well off. While living with her dad, Beyah met Samson, a neighbor she was interested in because she couldn’t figure him out. This book follows the story of Beyah and Samson during the summer and results in her finding out Samson’s deep dark secret.

Thoughts: I liked this book because it was about the organic connection between to characters rather than liking each other because of what they had. This theme is seen throughout the whole book all the way to the end. Though I liked this story, I don’t see myself ever reading it again.

Criticisms: Samson is mysterious and to himself, but once I found out why kind of made me re-think his character. After reading the whole book I didn’t really enjoy his character and his motives.

Rating: 3.8/5
