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Book Review: Confessions by, Kanae Minato

Confessions by, Kanae Minato

Summary: I’m not even sure where to start with this book. If I could sum this book up in three words they would be: page turner, psycho, and repression. This book is about a teacher who announces to her class that she’s quitting mid school year and won’t be a teacher anymore. BUT, there’s so much more to this story than that. The teacher’s daughter dies suspiciously at the school and the teacher thinks a few of her students were involved. Each chapter of the book is from a different person in the class’ perspective and it all ties together at the end. Without giving too much of this story away, this book is a revenge story between the teacher and her students.

Thoughts: Typically I don’t read too many translated books, but I saw a review for this one and decided to give it a try. The style of writing is interesting. It’s quite possible that the translation doesn’t explore the author’s true meanings behind situations, or that there aren’t specific words in English for the Japanese sayings, but nonetheless this story was interesting.

Criticisms: This is a perfect example of a revenge story. There were some points that were extremely fictitious, and others where it would be crazy if it happened in real life. Another qualm I have is that there were a few parts in the story that were the slightest bit difficult to follow along to and piece together what was going on.

Rating: 3.8/5
