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Planet Home

I got to experience the coolest thing recently!

As we know, the Earth is changing as each day goes by. Well, we also know that if we don’t do anything, these changes happening to our Earth will be detrimental to all existence. Well, recently, I got to go to an event where a bunch of people got together and raised awareness about all of these things and what we could do to help slow down global warming. Did you know that things can’t actually be recycled unless you rinse it and peel off the paper label? Did you also know that it takes 600 YEARS for one plastic bottle to be completely recycled and dissolve in nature? Think about it, the first plastic ever made, claiming to be “recyclable” hasn’t even broken down yet! It also doesn’t help that each city, state, and country have different rules and regulations for how to dispose garbage.

This event had a bunch of interesting exhibits for how the world will be like if there were no more crops, fossil fuels, resources etc. to try to raise awareness. After leaving this event, my perspective has definitely changed. From now, to do my part, I will try my best to bring reusable bags when I go shopping, use refillable water bottles as often as possible, walk as much as I can to destinations, not eat so many processed foods, AND try not to use plastic straws. Though I am just one person, if anyone can do their part to use less waste and become more eco- friendly our future generations will have a better chance at life.

Here are some pictures from the event. Not to mention, I got to see BILL NYE and SNOOP DOGG! They were awesome!

