Five years old, four years old, three years old two years old.

the one all the way on the right side was mine from last year that was dying, but it’s finally starting to grow!


Baby birds


Have you ever seen a baby bird?! I was at CVS looking in the flower section outside of the store and saw a nest nestled between the flower pots. Low and behold, there were three? tiny baby birds in the nest! I was shocked because I hadn’t seen birds that small before. I think they may have been finches?…or those tiny brown and black birds you see flying everywhere. The mama bird was close by and probably wondering what I was doing so close to her nest, but I also saw her bring back for for the babies. Extremely rare, but cool sight.


Green Things

Just down the road from Earthbound Farm is a huge plant nursery. They have outdoor and indoor plants and flowers which was cool. There were rows and rows of different plants. Since the nursery gets a lot of sun, I was able to see fruit and veggies being grown all over the place. I picked up a few ideas for the succulent garden I want to make as well as an indoor plant. Seeing the avocado trees also inspired me to try and grow my own avocados. We shall see how that goes knowing i’m terrible at growing things…BUT, Take a look at how pretty the flowers were.



One of the places I like to visit when going to Carmel is Earthbound. This might sound familiar to you if you’ve ever bought their spinach, lettuce, or other veggies at the supermarket. They have a cute little farm just past Carmel where they also sell their products. the cool thing about going here is everything is so fresh and perfect. There isn’t one pad piece of fruit you could pick from their stacks (compared to going to the grocery store). All of their food is organic and straight from their farm!

Here are some pictures I took while I was there. Doesn’t everything look perfect?!
