One of my coworkers gave me a cutting from her plant so I could see if I could propagate it. This plant is called a Pothos. They are fairly easy to care for and usually grow our to be hanging plants. As you can see in the first photo, this plant is extremely green and vibrant. After I put the cutting in water, nothing happened for about two and a half weeks…and then BAM! there was a tiny root growing from one of the nodes. I was so excited to see this little root growing after three weeks time. I will let this grow out to be a few inches long and I will give it back to her for her to pot.
“Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.”
Product Review: Un-papertowels
I bought these reusable paper towels recently in hopes to lessen the use of normal paper towels used on a daily basis. So far, I’ve only used them to do things such as dry my hands, and clean dust off of things. The material of these feel similar to PJ pants which is kind of weird. I think they are good for drying your hands, but using them anymore than a few times will result in disappointment as the material doesn’t soak up a lot of liquid. Supposedly, you could use these for wiping up spills, tissues (ew), and even making your own disinfecting wipes by pouring the solution in a jar and soaking these towels.
PROS: You can throw these in the wash and reuse them over and over again. The patterns of the clothes are all different and cute, it can help reduce the use of single-use paper towels.
CONS: These are pretty pricey for how many you get. I think I paid around $70 for a pack of 24. They don’t absorb a ton of water so I would assume you would need to use quite a few in order to clean up spills.
FINAL THOUGHTS: I think these are cool, but I don’t see myself converting into an “only reusable paper towel” type of person. I think I will try making these myself in the future. Here is the link if you are interested in buying these.