Look Deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.- Albert Einstein

Product Review: Laneige Lip sleeping Mask: Apple Lime

I have always been into skin care, but this past year I have REALLY REALLY been into skin care, skin stuff, etc. I thought it would be a good idea to periodically share some of the stuff I have been using and write my thoughts on it. This is also a way for me to look back to see what I liked/ didn’t like.

The first product I will be writing about is this lip treatment by Laneige. Laneige is a Korean skin care company that has recently become popular. I found this product at Sephora for $22. Because my lips are ALWAYS dry, I wanted to find a thicker product I could use overnight. I got this last year, use it almost overnight and I still have about half a container left.

PROS: The consistency is thick (It’s a bit sticky when you apply it) but it doesn’t bother me that much since I only wear it when I go to sleep. The fragrance is really nice and not too strong. And, when I wake up, my lips feel smooth and hydrated.

CONS: If you put too much on, you will be left with extremely sticky lips. You have to use your finger to apply it. There was a spreader that comes with it, but who really uses those wastes of plastic?

Final thoughts: I like this product. I’d give it an 8/10. It is a bit pricy for basically a glorified chapstick, but if it works, it works.

Here is the link if you want to check it out! Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask


Spring in Miyzaki

One of my friends in Japan sent me these pictures of what Miyakonojo looks like right now and it was too good not to share. Around this time people in Japan would do ‘hanami’ and go to the parks to look at all of the cherry blossoms blooming. these aren’t cherry blossoms, but look at how pink and vibrant these flowers are!


Here is one more picture from the ski trip. As you can see, the snow already began to melt which is why there is a bunch of dirt terrain on the bottom of the picture. This photo was taken on the ski lift going to the top of the mountain. I’m not afraid of heights, but I always wondered what would happen if the ski lift suddenly dropped everyone. Is that weird?




These flowers needed their own post. Look at the colors of these rainbow roses! The florist said he has to soak the flowers in each color of colored water in order for petals to color. So pretty!


One last trip to Tahoe

My family and I made it to Tahoe on the last week before Ski season finished. This picture was taken at the top of one of the ski lifts. Isn’t the view amazing? I would love to come to tahoe more often not only in the winter time, but the summer time as well. Hopefully we can come back soon for a camping trip or something!



The Lights

Over the weekend I went to Stonyford and attended a lantern festival. I haven’t been to anything like this before so this experience was pretty cool. The company used a camping site for the venue and had a few food and souvenir booths. When we arrived, the sun was still out as you could see. Each group had their own area in order to keep spacing for COVID. When we arrived, we were given blank lanterns to decorate. Once the sun went down, we lit our lanterns and watched them float away. You may be thinking, “that is NOT good for the environment” or “wow, what a fire hazard” BUT, after you light the lanterns, the flame stays lit for about a minute in order for it to reach the sky and then the flame goes out and the lantern sails back down to the ground. Also, after the event, there is a crew who picks up each and every lantern from the event. In the rare case the crew doesn’t pick up a lantern, the paper is biodegradable and will decompose back into the earth within days. Overall, it was a super cool experience.
