Something you just learned


This might sound absolutely silly to people who know how to cook, BUT today I learned the difference between; roast, bake, and broil. You see, I think I could live off of my toaster oven. It’s so small and compact, but can do absolutely everything. I could do simple things such as making toast OR more complicated things like making banana bread and cookies. I absolutely love it- which made me think about the different functions on the dial. Typically I use each function for making different things, but recently I decided to try a different function, broil. If you were like me and didn’t know the different let me teach you!

Broiling only uses heat from one side, similar to how food is cooked on a grill.

Baking is when heat is evenly distributed and is consistent to cook food evenly on all sides.

Roasting is when a high heat is distributed, and then a lower heat is used for the remaining time to cook the food all the way through.

Did you know this?


I NEED to know what this tree is called. I see it in the park al the time and it smells so nice. Of course, every time I get close to smell it I end up sneezing ten times, but regardless!! It kind of smells like a mix of jasmine and sweet nectar. I’m not even sure if sweet nectar has a distinct smell, but this tree smells like what nectar would smell like.




How has March flown by already? Actually, how have the first there months of this year flown by? I remember what I was doing on the first of the year like it was yesterday. March is my favorite month- and no not because my birthday is in March, but because that’s when we feel the effects of Spring time. Everything becomes nicer in Spring. Excited to post Spring pictures!!



Something you do that most people wouldn’t think about


When I saw this prompt it stuck out to me because there are a few things I do on a daily, if not weekly basis that not many people think of. First off, to keep my Japanese skills somewhat presentable, I listen to Japanese news programs, podcasts, and TV shows along with reading a simplified version of text documents. Whether that be the newspaper, or short stories; it helps me retain knowledge. Secondly, I am an organized person so I always keep a notebook and pen around me to write things down. I jot everything under the sun down from grocery lists, ideas, new vocabulary..ANYTHING. For some reason it’s harder for me to retain anything if I don’t physically write it down. I rarely use my phone to jot notes down. Finally, I think I tie my shoes differently than a lot of people. I made it a point to watch and see how people around me tied their shoes and I noticed the way I do it is different. Most people use the “one bunny ear and then loop it around and pull through to tie their shoes. I grab both shoe laces, pinch, and pull. I know my description makes absolutely no sense, but I don’t make ‘bunny ears’. I thought that was kind of interesting.


What are the odds of seeing FIVE WHITE CARS in a row!?


“ Your love will overflow more and more and you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. Understand what really matters so that you may live pure and blameless lives”

City Art

I saw this cute installment at the Ferry Plaza the other day. Hope you like it as much as I do.
