
This picture is when my bestie came to Japan to visit me. I met her in Tokyo and we went to my friend’s restaurant, then Disney Sea. This mini trip was cool because my friend took us to Tsukiji Fish Market and we got to see where he got all of his fish. After he showed us around, we went back to his restaurant and he cooked for us. My friend, Tiff said the uni she got from Tsukiji was the BEST she’s ever had!




Here is another picture from TeamLab in Tokyo. Look at all of the cool lights!




This is a picture of my students teaching me how to make an origami spinning top. This lesson was a fun one because instead of the teacher being the teacher, the teacher got to be the student. The class was split into groups. Each of the groups had one class period to come up with something they wanted to teach. Some of the other groups taught about cat’s cradle, how to make soup, and tea ceremony. If you look closely, there’s my matcha in the water bottle!! (ha-ha!).



This picture was taken somewhere in Tokyo. I took this picture because I thought these pinwheels looked really aesthetically pleasing to the eye. All of these pinwheels were made our of origami paper.




This photo was taken in my prefecture, Miyazaki. This beach is well known for surfing competitions, Aoshima Shrine, and the washboard like rock formation that you can see towards the bottom of the picture. I have a lot of memories from this beach. The first weekend I arrived in Japan, I went to a BBQ at this beach. My friend Emma and I underestimated the temperature of the sand and got second degree burns on both of our feet!! That was NOT fun. On the other hand, this was the beach I first learned how to surf with one of my best friends I met in Japan. It was a good beach to learn at because the waves wernt’t too big at the time.




Does this figure look familiar? This picture was taken at the Ghibli Museum right outside of Tokyo. If you are a Ghibli fan, this museum is a pretty cool place to go to. There are a lot of different exhibits from the different Ghibli movies. I think my favorite Ghibli moving is Spirited Away. What’s yours?




This photo was taken about 35- 40 minutes from where I lived. A group of co- workers wanted to take me to see the fireflies. If you look at this picture closely, doesn’t it oddly look like it came from the movie Spirited Away? Though my co-workers had said there are significantly less fireflies each year, we were able to see some. I thought seeing ONE was cool because I had never seen fireflies in my life!

