Reggio Inspired Project

As we are approaching the long weekend, here is a Reggio inspired project you and your child can do together.

No matter where you live, you and your child can explore in your backyard, on your block, in front of your house, at the park, anywhere!  Take the time to be present in your surroundings during this ever-changing time.  Have your child collect a few things that interest them.  Whether that is a rock or two, some leaves, some dirt, a piece of bird feather, anything (parents, check for appropriate things of course)!

After, you and your child can talk about the items.  You can ask questions about the items collected.

“Why did you choose this rock?”

“How many leaves did you collect?”

“Are they all the same shape?”

What’s the difference between…?”

"Can you find where this fell off of?”


We have to remember- what may pose as simple questions to grown- ups, are thought provoking questions for children to help them use their cognition, imagination, and, developmental milestone skills. Asking children questions is also a good way for them to use their skills and to help them practice explanation.

Finally, ask your child to create a project using the collected items. By using natural materials, it gives children the opportunity to work “outside the box” with non- traditional materials. After they are complete you can also ask them to share about their project.

When relating this project to the Reggio Philosophy, we try to steer away from giving children a specific goal image. We want children to explore their surroundings and how they want to use the materials themselves, not how WE as grown- ups envision it. Let your child create THEIR art, not yours. If you choose to do this project with your child you can talk about the differences in the items you collected, finished product etc.

Have fun with it, but more importantly, have a nice long weekend. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy!


"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it."

—Maya Angelou

Whipped Coffee

Have you ever had whipped coffee? Its pretty simple, actually. The ratios are 2:2:2. Here’s how I made it:

First, scoop 2tbs. ground coffee, 2 tbs. sugar, 2 tbs. oat milk

Then, whisk!



Rose: It was sunny today!

Thorn: LONG, LONG, LONG car ride back home.

Bud: I hope to start reading the new book I got!


As I wrote about Tahoe, I also wanted to write about Ikeda’s. Each and every time we go to Reno or Tahoe we have to stop at Ikeda’s for omiyage and lunch. Ikeda’s is a local shop with everything made and grown from the Ikeda Family’s local farm. They have everything you might want to snack on; dried fruit, nuts, senbei, fruits, and PIES! They make one of THE BEST pies! On the way there we stopped there for lunch, AND on the way back we stopped there for lunch as well. Their chicken pot pie is to die for!


Lake Tahoe!!

Finally had the chance to get out of town for a few days. As they are beginning to lift the shelter in place, people are itching to get out and do things. Tahoe is one of the places I like to go to during the summer AND winter time. During the winter its perfect for going to the snow, and during the summer its perfect for bike riding, hiking, swimming, etc. The last Tahoe trip I went on, my family and I found this super cool lake called Fallen Leaf Lake- this time we decided to go there again! Its really cool because its a bit secluded from the main lake, its beautiful, and there is a nice waterfall. Most of the snow has melted so the waterfall wasn’t gushing as much as the last time we were here, but nevertheless, still really cool. Definitely want to come back again soon!


“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again." - Abraham Maslow